Friday, August 21, 2009

Just a thought....

It is so easy to judge others, but much nicer to offer help and support. This is my thought for today...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A much better photo!

Here is another photo of "Harry"!!!

A new family member...

Hi all! Well it's been an exciting afternoon here. We spent a little time this afternoon puppy hunting and ended up at Puppy Palace where we met HIM!! Our new little man is called Harry and he's an adoreable ball of fluff who has got off to a beautiful start with our family and our other puppy Koda.

He's gorgeous! Hope everyone has a lovely week!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Scrapbook day!

Hi all. Well, yesterday was FABULOUS! My Mum, Vicki, Sasha, Paula, Shirley, Toni and I shared a table and had a great time talking and scrapping away. Toni had worked hard to ensure we all had a great time. I even won a competition - a lovely wine carrier set, complete with bubbly!

Anyways, it was a great day and night and I couldn't believe how quickly the time went! I did manage to get a lot done, so here are my creations from the night....

I think these cards were my favourite things to make as they were quick! I just used a sheet of owl stickers I got from the cheapie shop the other day and backed them on card. Easy!

I hope you are all having a great long weekend.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A great crop!

Hi all. Toni's article in the local paper today is lovely - that photo is great Toni! What a great way to raise interest in the crop! I thought I'd share the photo online for all to see. Good work Toni, you never cease to amaze. Your passion and enthusiasm are definatley inspiring! Can't wait for tomorrow!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Twilight continued...

OMG! I am about 1/3 of the way through the last of the twilight books and have been floored!!! No way is this happening. Isn't it funny how attached you get to characters after reading about them for a long time...
Otherwise, I'm pretty tired after a huge weekend and then got to work today and of course, music teacher was away so missed half of my non contact. I also miss next Mon and Wed (both non contact days) for days off! Anything else want to happen??
Well this was never going to be a long post, but will upload some photos of Caitlyn's party over the weekend. She seemed to have a ball! It's her birthday tomorrow, she's getting a real camera! A lot of money on one gift but she's really keen. Can't wait to take her scrapbooking with me, now that she's 8!!!
Hope you all have a great week.
Hugs and kisses,