Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 6

Well, with only 10 days of work to go, I'm feeling very excited about the holidays!  I'm running secret santa at school, so hopefully all goes well!  Am also starting to think about gifts for my wonderful friends... 

Lost 0.8kg this week!  Hooray, it feels great to see the scales and measurements on their way down!  Perhaps the drop in my stress levels has helped too! 

Caitlyn got her youth choir report in the mail.  3 sounds and 2 very highs!  So proud of her!  She's been asked back to form part of the training choir (level 2), a step up from this year.  This seems to have sparked her interest again, so now need to ensure she is going to do ALL concerts!

Well, will update another week from now and hope that I have some more weight loss news to share!

Have a great weekend all!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 5

Hi all. Been a while since my last blog,but have been busy! Had a wonderful time at Esk with a lovely group of ladies and got quite a lot done! Made a handful of Christmas cards, a December count down album and a few other little bits and pieces. Will post photos in my next post (need to filter them, so many!).

Have finished my report cards and now life is looking a little sunnier, though I am still wishing my way to holidays as it seems that not all children share my festive optimism....grumble, grumble... Moving along...

Weight loss this week: 0.6kg, finally!! Not much, but better late than never. Have now lost 2cm off my waist and 4cm from my hips! My bra is also loosening!! Can feel the difference in my clothes now! Went boxing Sunday and almost died!! So hard! Personal training is fabulous! Am trying to find a way to fund it past xmas (free with membership runs out then!). Am really enjoying the gym and looking forward to each visit! Weird hey!

I missed the New Moon gold class screening due to brother-in-law's 30th b'day Sat night, so can't wait to get along to see it!! Can't believe I am still waiting, thinking this weekend!!!

I am starting to think about pressies for my wonderful friends now looking at Deb's blog! Hmm...something they can't make themselves....I'm drawing a blank!!! Have got 3 really nice tins for girl's teachers though, at least that's one I'm ready to start!

Take care all, will report my further progress next week - I PROMISE!!!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 2

Hi all. Well have been continuing with my gym work outs and have been amazed to find some muscles I never thought I had! Unfortunately this means my weight loss for this week is 0kg. :( I find it very hard to not see my weight reduce when I'm working so hard!

Peta and my trainer assure me that is may take 3 or so weeks to see any further weight loss whilst my body continues to build muscle. So I'll persist with the gym and generally healthy eating and hope to see some concrete numbers next week!

I am so excited to be going away this weekend, but very upset to be leaving my babies for 2 sleeps! I'm sure they'll be fine, but it's me I'm worried about! I know they're in great hands.

Am struggling with everything I have to do in terms of work and reporting still, but am not missing my weekend away...remember: I'm looking for more balance!

Have a great week!