Saturday, January 30, 2010

School's Back!

Hi all, hope you are enjoying the first week of school returning!  I certainly have!  Firstly, of course, my girls went into Year 4 and Year 1.  I still can't quite believe how quickly they are growing up!  Caitlyn is so happy in her new room with one teacher she has had before and of course, Peter Scott!!  She has settled so well!  Abbie was so excited to return, she's in a prep/1, so knew her teacher before starting and is "so grown up" now she's in Year 1!  She has a story a day about how she's helping the preps!!  So cute!

Here are some photos of my little princesses!

Then, I returned to prep. I am SO HAPPY! I can't believe how different it is to the rest of school. The kids and parents are lovely (early days or not!). I have been exhausted every day, but thanks to Bernadette and Marcia(who volunteered Wed and Fri), I have made it through and just love it! It's lovely to just teach routines and really get to know the kids without the pressure of covering a tonne of curriculum stuff from the get go.

Anyways...I can't wait to read how the rest of you are going...'s to another great week in prep!

Take care all!  xxx

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Very nervous....

Hi all! Well, I guess holidays are all but over for now.  I went into work again today to clean out the storeroom the best I could.  Thanks to my Mum and Bernadette who helped with this huge task!  I'm almost happy with it, just a few more things to straighten up.  I am mostly happy that I now know what I have in that storeroom!

I have my planning ready for the first three days.  I have to admit to being TERRIFIED!!  I am scared of the kids being so little and dependent on me, the parents who are probably just as nervous and the fact that I still don't feel like I know at all what I'm in for!  I've read everything known to man to try to prepare, but I guess there's nothing like the real thing!  I also appreciate the fact that I will have Bernadette full time all week and Marcia who will be in Wed and most of Friday, thanks for your support in advance!

I hope you all have a smooth transition back to school and your littlies will too.  My girls are very ready to go back, both missing kids their own age me thinks!!  They have been awefully good of late (a big improvement!) but I think they are missing their friends and all those busy things that school brings.

Me, hmm, not sure that I'm ready to head back but I guess it's not my decision.  I'm as prepared as I can be, so "kay-sera-sera"(sure I didn't spell that right!), whatever will be will be, I suppose!

Take care all!!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

PFD2 and house rules!

Hi all.  Hope those teachers among us have had a smooth transition back to work.  I had a fairly good day.  It's unfortunate though, that the time we were given to set up our rooms was used as a meeting time.  In saying that though, Felicity (beh. team) was AWESOME!  She has the ability to really help you understand behaviour and it was a wonderful refresher and introduction to new ideas...

I've sat with the girls tonight, developed rules for our house (they thought of them and then role-played them!) and I have typed them ready to put on the fridge.  We have a reward chart each and when they reach 10 stickers each they want to go swimming, so I'm thinking they'll be there perhaps by Sat lunch???  We also came up with steps if they don't follow the rules.  So we'll see how it goes.  I've really noticed this holidays both girls pushing buttons, so after a pep talk from Fecility today, I feel a little inspired to implement some strategies at home.  I'll keep you posted on my progress....

Sean is off having an interview at Game at Morayfield tonight. Fingers crossed for a little more pay for all the work he does and perhaps a little more appreciation too.....We'll see what he thinks when he gets home.

Take care all and I look forward to hearing about your first couple of days back.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back at Work.....

Well, today was the first PFD for us at Cab East.  Our day was spent in an airconditioned room, mostly listening to operational stuff and behaviour stuff.  I still maintain that teacher's are not engaged enough!!  I really struggled to stay on task and was exhausted at the end of the day from doing nothing!!  Oh well, my room is looking fairly good now, stayed back this afternoon and cleared a bit of the office, so feeling better about that. 

Unfortunately, whilst the rest of the staff have 2 hours tomorrow am to work in their rooms, we'll be in a prep meeting.  I wonder if admin realises how much work goes into getting classrooms ready and that's even after I've spent two days up at work preparing.....If I"m ever a deputy or something in admin, I will remember!!!

The new prep teacher, Shae, seems lovely!  She has a few years experience on prep and has been teaching for a while (I think about the same time as me).  Alina is excited too, so I think it should be a good year!  It was strange today in the staff room, when I looked around I saw lots of new faces and it just reminded me of the high staff turnover we've had of late.  I really do miss you all....

Well, that's my blog for now.  I've misplaced (or Abbie's taken:( ) my USB drive.  Very frustrating, so going to see what I can find on the hard drive to start with....

Hope you all have a smooth return to work and I can't wait to read about your first days back...


Friday, January 15, 2010

The Paradise Inn Rocks!

Hi all.  We have just returned from a fabulous mini-break at the Paradise Inn Resort at the Gold Coast!  It was a really great few days, and we wished it could have lasted longer!  We've decided to head back there next year for a longer time.

We spent our time swimming in the pools, at the beach, in kids club (the kids of course!) at night time and eating and just enjoying a relaxing hol!!!  I thought I'd post some photos for you all.  We had such a great time.  It is really completely dedicated to families and we found it great! 

A short stop at the beach before we arrived at the hotel.
In one of the hotel's pools.  The kids loved the lizard slide!

Outside the kids club entrance.
At the mini-car track inside the kids club.
Abbie's first sand castle!
Caitlyn's first time at boogey boarding!  She did so well!
My gorgeous girl!!!

Hope you are all enjoying our last days off.  I'm now fully realising what I'm about to embarch on!!  The P-3 discussion list is fabulous, you can sign on through the learning place.  It had a really great idea with "fine motor bags", which I hope to sew over the weekend.

I've also been to school (last Monday) to start cleaning.  Myself, Mum, Dad and my sister powered through the kitchen (completely emptied it and restocked it) and found a huge amount of shelving and Dad put up new hanging wire for displays.  Thanks to all who participated!!!

Take care all!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The CUTEST number bean bags!!!

Check out these GORGEOUS little number beanbags!!  I am thinking about making a set or two....

They are SO CUTE!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New School Pockets!!

Hi all!  Hope you are all relaxing and not thinking about work...well, I have been!!  Have been thinking about things I need for the classroom and decided that I wanted a new, brighter set of pockets for kids newsletters, notes etc.  I have one that Annette kindly lent to me last year but it is now fairly worn out!

So, I had some GORGEOUS, BRIGHT fabric I bought a while ago and though, why not!  So I have spent the last couple of days making this new item!  I'm really happy with the result and look forward to having it up in the room.  The top row of coloured fabric is a space to thread a curtain rod through and it has 25 compartments for the kids.  It is 80cm x 120cm.

I found the hardest part was lining up the pockets to be sure they were straight and all even.  It was a little difficult as I got towards the last row of pockets as I had to move all the fabric through the machine each time.  I think all the effort has been worth it though...What do you think??
