Saturday, May 30, 2009

A little sad...

Hi all. Well, tomorrow my Mum and Dad are off to Canada and Alaska for the next 3 1/2 weeks. I think it's going to be a fabulous trip for them and they are so excited, but I'm not. I don't know if it is normal that a 30 year old woman can feel so upset about having her parents away for nearly one month, but that is how I find myself.

I hope they have a fantastic trip and bring back lots of pictures to share, but inside I'm nervous and a bit sad. I was reflecting on why I feel this way and decided that it must be because I think my parents are the best people in the world. I am very proud to be their daughter. I thought I'd list some of the things they do for me to help you see from my point of view.

* help look after kids after school

* often make me dinner if hubby is late

* love my kids the way that they do me, without hesistation

* come to my house at all hours because I'm worried about a noise I just heard

* print huge amount of photos for me but don't expect ink or paper in return.

There is so much more, but I'm sure you get the idea. Love you Mum and Dad, see you soon. xxx

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's a girl!!!

Hi all! Had to share some baby pics with you all. Katrina and I went to visit Melissa tonight, it was raining but we pushed on! She is just adoreable and so TINY!!! I had lots of cuddles and wanted to share them with you! Melissa is doing really well and is almost ready to head home. Thanks for letting me have the most gorgeous cuddles!
I have spent the last 2 days at a PD on ICTs with Toni and Annette. It was FANTASTIC!!! I feel so inspired and excited by what I saw and played with. Annette was typing our notes up, so if you would like a copy, just drop her an email and I'm sure she'll share. One great program to start with is You are able to create interesting displays of words. Hope you can enjoy this one. Perhaps I can share one each time I blog...

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Oh, I need to wish my beautiful neice Stephanie a lovely 3rd birthday!
Take care all,

Kristie. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Update...

Hi all! Thought I might update my blog, it's been a while and I know so many of you count on me to deliver exciting news about my life - HA!!! Anyways, we had the school fete on Sunday. Thank goodness the weather held off and I got some fab pics of the kids. They really enjoyed it!

Other than the fete, I've been busy with school work and reporting. It is NEVERENDING!! I am off to a PD Thursday & Friday, so the pressure is on to have most done by tomorrow. ARGHH!!!

Well, here's to wishing Melissa a happy and healthy bundle, hope to visit you soon and to the happiness of all my friends. Take care all,

Kristie. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A great weekend!

Well, I must say that I aspire to work 4 days a week! It has been a great weekend and I feel like I've had a good rest. After resting Friday, I felt much better. Saturday night was Caitlyn's performance with the youth choir at QPAC. She was gorgeous!!!

Deb, you will love these! I went to Target yesterday and found these placemats! I am making the beige one for me and I bought 2 of the chocolate ones for my Mum and sister to make them a bag. I think I'm going to put a strip of fabric on each side to make it wider and also add a pocket from that fabric for the inside so I can put my mobile in. I'll post the finished results soon.

Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend.

Kristie. :)