Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Embarrassing!

Hi!  Well, think I've had my first embarrassing moment for 2010.  Can't believe it's taken so long really!

Today, had a little issue with a child in my class, so emailed Felicity (beh. team) for her opinion. UNFORTUNATELY, it turned out that I forwarded it to the p-3 discussion list!!  OMG!  No names were mentioned (thank God) except mine. :(( 

Gosh, I guess it could have been worse.  People on the list have replied with some really good ideas...but still feel like shrinking into a corner!!

How embarrassing!!


1 comment:

  1. Whoops! lucky you didn't mention any names. You can actually withdraw an email sent to a discussion list so that people who haven't yet seen it won't. Might save some embarassment. Hope people offer you some useful things to try.
    PS: Missing you all.
