Sunday, May 23, 2010

To move, or not to move...

Hi everyone.  Well I've spent a fair amount of my weekend thinking about transfers.  I have started to fill out my transfer at school (as you can't do it online, it has to be through the school intranet stuff). 

My main motivation is to save in school care fees!   I sat down Sat night and worked out that I'm paying close to $800 a month!! AHHH!  I thought it was less...  So I want to take the girls to school with me.  Another reason is definately the distance and wear and tear on my car. 50kms a day is wearing it out (I realise that some people travel heaps further than me!!)!  Finally, I think after about 7 years at Cab East it's time for a change!

So then of course the question is, where to?  I thought about Lawnton (has a good name now I'd say mostly thanks to Tracy)!  Thought about Kurwongbah (where the girls are already).  Thought also about Undurba, Petrie, Dayboro....  hmmm... anyone have any thoughts about all of this?  I would love some other people's input.

Then of course, I think, do I stay at Cab East, on prep and perhaps work 4 days a week like I will be soon.  I know the school, the staff, I LOVE prep and there is a big change coming with the new round of funding.

Hmm...guess I'll just have to wait and see.  Am seeing the staffing officer Thursday.  It's such a big thing!  Can't believe how nervous it makes me!


  1. Did you say big change coming and new round of funding? Kristie are you kidding yourself? What is going to change does new funding make people treat you with more respect? Does it make your worklife more pleasant? I seriously doubt do what is best for your girls and you...don't let fear hold you back..

  2. Move, it's a whole new world out there!
    Seven years at one school is enough, you get stale. Get your spark back..

  3. Move, you won't look back

  4. I say do what your heart tells you too. I guess for me doing a full year 1 class was a good change. Who knows next year I could be back in Prep. I don't want to do any higher. I wonder what will come from the prep roadmap. I guess I'll find out next week after the district discussion.
