Saturday, August 14, 2010

Net set go and a day out!

Hi all!  Yep, I've been pretty slack with my blog lately, so thought I'd share a little of our goings on!  Firstly netball.  Abbie signed on for Net, Set, Go when Caitlyn started netball, but about 4 weeks in, she decided she didn't like it and only wanted to play a real game like Caitlyn (she was only doing skills).  So I let it go, and she has just been watching Caitlyn play for the last few games.  Anyways, to cut a long story short, she's attending again and I had to share this photo of her in a bib!  Much to her delight, they now actually play a short "game" each week!  She loves it, but there is only one week to go!  Oh well, at least she's finishing well!

In other breaking news, today we decided to head up to Redcliffe.  I've been keen to check out the markets since Deb and Toni had a stall there, but their weekends always seem to clash with our arrangements!!  So off we went.  The girls were so excited!

First we walked across the jetty! 
Then went for a stroll through the markets and the kids had a jump on the jumping castle.  After we had a little splash on the seaside and the girls took delight in getting their toes and most of their shorts wet!!            
We then drove to Scarborough Park where we had calamari and chips and the girls had a ball playing on the equipment and trying to climb trees!

Anyways, we're home now and I'm fairly tired!!  Will try to blog more regularly, but no promises as life just continues to be busy!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a fabulous day out. Treasure your family time, they grow up far tooo quickly!
