Friday, July 30, 2010

Busy busy....

So, life has been a little busy lately.   We've had netball carnivals, weekends away, sickness and a hospital visit (not related!). 

I guess I'll start in Esk. Toni, Deb, Katrina, Tracey (hi!!), Tanya and myself went off for a lovely weekend in Esk! It was great and suprisingly warm due to a great fireplace! I got a fair bit of sewing done, thanks to Deb's wonderful tutorials!!

Also made Caitlyn a little pack for her birthday (notebook, texta container and card).  It is always lovely to get away!

This week I've been crook since Wednesday. :(  Think it's just the flu, but am still today coughing and sweating!!!  Yuk!  Hopefully I'll recover soon!

On top of my sickness, Thursday afternoon (after having the day off work) I decided I felt a little better so I'd try to use superglue to hold a draw together.  To cut a long story short, I got superglue in the corner of my left eye and a little around it.  Off to drs and hospital from 3pm to 6.30pm, all OK.  Should bead and come away on it's own accord.  No probs so far, so I guess that's good!

Anyway. I've got another busy week ahead with Caitlyn's birthday and party!  Can't believe she is going to be 9!!!  The time goes so fast!

Hope you are all healthier than me and just remember, superglue does NOT go in your eyes!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You would not beleive that only 2 weeks ago one of the girls dancing friends decided to put on fake eyelashes. They weren't sticking fast enough so she used super glue and her eyelids stuck together. She couldn't even open her eyes. Drs couldn't so anything so she just had to wait until they seperated days later.

    Hope you get better soon!
