Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hooray for holidays!

Holidays are here and I'm so happy!  Last night I went to Debbie's place for a wonderful dinner and chat.  Getting home at 1.30am has left me a little weiry, but it was worth it!  Wish we could all catch up more often!

Well, the end of this week was crazy!  I spent time buying and making gifts for friends, family and teachers (plastic champaigne glasses, filled with shredded paper and cadbury chocolates)!  Here are my little gifts for the girl's teachers and a few prep friends at work and Deb's b'day card.  Wednesday night finished at 11.30pm! 

Abbie had her easter hat parade on Thursday.  I was upset to miss it, but Sharryn was able to go and watch for me.  Then they had an afternoon tea in her classroom.  I was so happy to receive an email from a parent in Abbie's class with photos attached of Abbie!  I was so excited to see them, but it still upset me that I missed another school event for her.  Oh well, I guess I have 10 days to make up for it!  Bring on 4 days a week at work....

I hope you all have a fab start to the hols and I look forward to reading your blogs over the break!


1 comment:

  1. Those easter presents look great and of course I love my card, my book is divine (I am in love!). Even though I work part time I missed my kids easter bonnet parade too and I miss lots of their activities so don't feel bad. Have a fabulous break.
