Well, today was the first PFD for us at Cab East. Our day was spent in an airconditioned room, mostly listening to operational stuff and behaviour stuff. I still maintain that teacher's are not engaged enough!! I really struggled to stay on task and was exhausted at the end of the day from doing nothing!! Oh well, my room is looking fairly good now, stayed back this afternoon and cleared a bit of the office, so feeling better about that.
Unfortunately, whilst the rest of the staff have 2 hours tomorrow am to work in their rooms, we'll be in a prep meeting. I wonder if admin realises how much work goes into getting classrooms ready and that's even after I've spent two days up at work preparing.....If I"m ever a deputy or something in admin, I will remember!!!
The new prep teacher, Shae, seems lovely! She has a few years experience on prep and has been teaching for a while (I think about the same time as me). Alina is excited too, so I think it should be a good year! It was strange today in the staff room, when I looked around I saw lots of new faces and it just reminded me of the high staff turnover we've had of late. I really do miss you all....
Well, that's my blog for now. I've misplaced (or Abbie's taken:( ) my USB drive. Very frustrating, so going to see what I can find on the hard drive to start with....
Hope you all have a smooth return to work and I can't wait to read about your first days back...