Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New School Pockets!!

Hi all!  Hope you are all relaxing and not thinking about work...well, I have been!!  Have been thinking about things I need for the classroom and decided that I wanted a new, brighter set of pockets for kids newsletters, notes etc.  I have one that Annette kindly lent to me last year but it is now fairly worn out!

So, I had some GORGEOUS, BRIGHT fabric I bought a while ago and though, why not!  So I have spent the last couple of days making this new item!  I'm really happy with the result and look forward to having it up in the room.  The top row of coloured fabric is a space to thread a curtain rod through and it has 25 compartments for the kids.  It is 80cm x 120cm.

I found the hardest part was lining up the pockets to be sure they were straight and all even.  It was a little difficult as I got towards the last row of pockets as I had to move all the fabric through the machine each time.  I think all the effort has been worth it though...What do you think??



  1. Great job Kristie! That is a job I have to do before school starts too, ours has fallen apart through the year and is now holey! Ours is going to be orange because that is our class colour, but I love your fabric. Nothing like bugs and bees to brighten your room!!!

  2. I think it looks fantastic.....but what happens when you get the 26th kiddy?

  3. I'm hoping to keep my 15 kids I have on my roll!!

  4. I was thinking the same as Peta. WE only had 20 on our roll for day 1 and ended up with 27. I think you have done a marvellous job.
