Thursday, January 21, 2010

PFD2 and house rules!

Hi all.  Hope those teachers among us have had a smooth transition back to work.  I had a fairly good day.  It's unfortunate though, that the time we were given to set up our rooms was used as a meeting time.  In saying that though, Felicity (beh. team) was AWESOME!  She has the ability to really help you understand behaviour and it was a wonderful refresher and introduction to new ideas...

I've sat with the girls tonight, developed rules for our house (they thought of them and then role-played them!) and I have typed them ready to put on the fridge.  We have a reward chart each and when they reach 10 stickers each they want to go swimming, so I'm thinking they'll be there perhaps by Sat lunch???  We also came up with steps if they don't follow the rules.  So we'll see how it goes.  I've really noticed this holidays both girls pushing buttons, so after a pep talk from Fecility today, I feel a little inspired to implement some strategies at home.  I'll keep you posted on my progress....

Sean is off having an interview at Game at Morayfield tonight. Fingers crossed for a little more pay for all the work he does and perhaps a little more appreciation too.....We'll see what he thinks when he gets home.

Take care all and I look forward to hearing about your first couple of days back.....


  1. Kristie, I found Felicity good last year. She is full of ideas and willing to support in your times of need.

    Good luck with the sticker chart. Let's hope the girls get to go swimming. What happens if Abby gets the stickers and Kaitlyn doesn't?

  2. Ha! I think it may be the other way around, but they both really want this, so I'm guessing they might help eachother (bonus!). They were perfect angels tonight!! Let's hope it continues!!!!
